
Thursday, July 17, 2014

No More Confusion Please!

Recent few days have seen protests by a group of Civil Services aspirants, demanding change in the pattern of Civil Services examination, particularly scrapping of the Paper-2 (CSAT). Responding to these demands, the Central Government has urged the UPSC to postpone the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination 2014, which is scheduled to be held on 24th August. In the meanwhile, a committee has been constituted to look into the concerns of the protestors. [1]

This news has brought fresh uncertainty in the minds of very many Civil Services aspirants. The notification for this year’s examination was released on May 31th after a 15-day delay, presumably to take approval of the new Government. The forms have been filled up now, and the Prelims are only about 1 month away. The examination process which had begun after the Government’s approval is now being disrupted by the Government itself.

Moreover, the UPSC is an independent Constitutional body with a mandate to conduct these examinations. The ‘request’ by Government to postpone the examination looks like undue interference in the functioning of UPSC, and undermines its Constitutional independence.

However, the genuine concerns of the protestors need to be addressed to ensure fairness towards aspirants from all backgrounds. Given that any changes done once are likely to be institutionalized for at least a few more years, the pattern should be changed only after thorough analysis and due consultation. With the limited time available this year, this doesn’t seem possible and any proposed change is likely to be hasty.

The key demand of the protestors is the abolition of CSAT, which, they claim, is biased against the students of Humanities background because of its focus on analytical skills, reasoning and comprehension.[2] But wouldn’t removal of CSAT at this stage be unfair to those students, who have already diverted significant amount of their time and energy towards preparation of CSAT?

Reasoning and comprehension skills are tested in the recruitment process of even clerical jobs. The importance of such skills cannot be ignored in the selection process of the to-be policy makers of the country. The pattern and syllabus of an examination should be decided on the criteria of requirements of the future job profile, not on the basis of the candidates’ profile.

Introduction of CSAT was a part of the larger reform in the outdated recruitment process of Civil Services Officers. Setting the clock back on any such reform in haste may shut the doors on further reforms, as objections to any change in status quo will always arise.

The Government should, therefore, effect changes in the pattern only from the next year onwards and announce those changes well in advance. I hope that the Government will take care of not only the few hundred protestors, but also thousands of other aspirants who are going to be affected by any rushed decision in this matter. Hope better sense prevails!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Abki Baar Modi SAARCar

Prime Minister-designate Narendra Modi has invited the leaders of all SAARC nations to his inauguration ceremony, thus opening a new chapter in diplomatic relations of India with its neighbours.

All of them, barring Pakistan, have confirmed their participation and would be represented by their Head of State / Government, except Bangladesh (Sheikh Hasina is on a visit to Japan). Given that the South Asian leaders have not gathered at one place in a long time, their confluence in this setting will reiterate India’s pre-eminent position in the South Asian region.

The emphasis on SAARC in Modi’s first diplomatic move is likely to rejuvenate interest in the almost dysfunctional regional group. With the SAARC summit scheduled to be held later in the year, Modi has an opportunity to drive the agenda as per his vision for South Asian economy and geopolitics. If India can lead the way towards strengthening the cohesiveness of the regional group, it can stem the drift of India’s neighbours into China’s strategic embrace.

The invitation to Pakistan, however, has met some resistance from experts due to recent skirmishes on the LoC. These objections are apparently hasty, because the meet is not of a bilateral character. Pakistan comes as a part of the SAARC package, whether we like it or not. Any exclusion of Pak from the SAARC grouping would have begun Modi-Sharif relationship on a wrong footing. Nawaz Sharif is also likely to visit, as he risks being sidelined in the South Asian club by being absent. Throughout the election season, Modi has been seen quite apprehensively across the border due to his anti-Pak rhetoric during the campaign. This meeting will give both Modi and Sharif a chance to understand each other and clear any misgivings at the outset of their relationship.

Despite Jayalalitha’s strong reservations, Sri Lankan President has been extended an invitation. The message to regional political groups is loud and clear that India’s foreign policy cannot be dictated by a particular State. With the strong mandate received by BJP in the General Elections, it is time for the Centre to reclaim its rightful control on the foreign affairs, which are in the exclusive domain of the Central Government.

The significance of a friendly neighbourhood has been recognized since the Nehruvian years, and it can be achieved only through closer economic integration and political cooperation among South Asian nations. This invitation to SAARC leaders is only the first step towards that end.

Thursday, May 08, 2014

इंसान की पहचान

पहली बार हिंदी लघुकथा जगत में प्रवेश कर रहा हूँ| आशा है पाठकों को पसंद आएगा| कोई सुझाव या सुधार हो तो ज़रूर प्रकट करें|

संजय आज बहुत खुश था, परीक्षा का परिणाम जो घोषित हुआ था| कक्षा में प्रथम स्थान तो नहीं आया, पर हिंदी जैसे कठिन विषय में उसके कक्षा में सबसे अधिक अंक थे| जब पिताजी दफ्तर से वापस आए, तब उसने उन्हें भी यह बात बताई| उत्सुकता में पिताजी ने उसकी हिंदी की उत्तर-पुस्तिका पढ़नी शुरू की| भाषा पर अपने बेटे की अच्छी पकड़ देखकर उन्हें बहुत गर्व महसूस हो रहा था|

पुस्तिका के अंत में उन्होंने देखा कि संजय ने “इंसान की पहचान” विषय पर निबंध लिखा है| अंतिम पंक्ति थी – “इंसान की असली पहचान उसे जन्म से नहीं, बल्कि उसके कर्म से होती है|” उनके पुत्र ने कक्षा ८ में ही एक गंभीर विषय पर इतना प्रगतिशील निबंध लिखा है, यह सोचकर उन्हें विशेष प्रसन्नता हुई|

शाबाशी देते हुए पिताजी बोले, “बेटा, इतना अच्छा निबंध कौनसी किताब से तैयार किया?”
“पापा, यह विषय किसी किताब में तो नहीं दिया हुआ था|”
“फिर ये सब विचार तुम्हारे दिमाग में कहाँ से आए?”
“पापा, एक दिन आप अपने मित्रों के साथ चर्चा कर रहे थे कि कैसे आज भी कई लोग चुनावों में सिर्फ जाति के आधार पर वोट डालती है, और इस कारण जातिवाद की राजनीति करने वाले नेता जीत जाते हैं और अच्छे उम्मीदवार हार जाते हैं| कैसे सरकारी नौकरियों और शिक्षा में जाति के आधार पर आरक्षण का लाभ ज़रूरतमंद लोगों को नहीं मिल रहा; साथ ही, अनारक्षित वर्ग के योग्य लोगों के अवसर कम होते जा रहे हैं| आप लोगों की इन्हीं बातों से प्रभावित होकर मैंने निबंध में ये विचार लिखे थे|”
“शाबाश, बेटा!” संजय की परिपक्व सोच सुनकर पिताजी का गर्व दुगुना हो गया|

समय बीतता गया| कुछ वर्षों में उसकी कॉलेज की पढाई भी पूरी हो गयी और एक प्रतिष्ठित कंपनी में उसकी नौकरी भी लग गई| इस बार जब वह दिवाली मनाने घर आया, तब उसके पिताजी ने उसकी शादी की बात छेड़ दी| उसने सोचा, “यही मौका है पापा को शालिनी के बारे में बताने का!”

बड़ी हिम्मत से उसने अपनी बात रखी, “पापा, मुझे एक लड़की पसंद है| मैं चाहता हूँ कि...”
पिताजी ने उसे टोकते हुए पूछा, “हमारे समाज की है या नहीं?”
उसने कहा, “नहीं, पापा| पर आप एक बार...”
पिताजी ने फिर टोका, “क्यों समाज में हमारी बेईज्ज़ती करना चाहते हो? भूल जाओ उसे!” बस इतना कहकर वे गुस्से में उठकर चले गए|

पिताजी की ऐसी प्रतिक्रिया सुनकर वह चकराया सा रह गया| तुरंत उसे बचपन में लिखा एक निबंध याद आया और उसने सोचा, “बचपन की नादानी में शायद गलत लिख आया था| इंसान की पहचान उसकी योग्यता या कर्मों से होना बस एक भ्रान्ति है, क्योंकि घर-घर में आज भी इंसान की पहली पहचान उसकी जाति है|”

Friday, April 04, 2014

Mission CleanUp 2014

The world’s largest democracy will participate in its biggest festival – the General Elections – over the next few weeks. While the outgoing Government has an unenviable record of high inflation, policy paralysis, and numerous scams, the 15th Lok Sabha was also the worst performing in the history of independent India. In this grim situation, these elections present an opportunity to restore the sanctity of the institution of Parliament; and the power to do so lies in the hands of the political parties and the people of India.

For our constituency, we have a list of candidates to pick from. This list is the first opportunity to test the legitimacy of the tall promises that parties and their leaders have made. Did the assertion of ‘zero tolerance to corruption’ get validated by rejection of tainted leaders? Did the promise of ‘good governance’ translate into a clean and committed candidate? If yes, you are fortunate to have narrowed down to the worthy options. If no, then you realize the credibility of the promises and can avoid getting fooled into them.

Political parties have made another set of choices, contained in a document called Election Manifesto explaining their ‘vision’ for the future. If one’s ideas resonate with a political party’s proposed direction, it is natural to develop a liking for the particular party. However, if the party’s candidate is not clean, it would be better to not vote for the person and grant legitimacy to his/her claims of public support. It would be a service to both the country and the party. The country will be spared of another shady legislator, and the party’s agenda would be saved from being usurped by the few with foul intentions. Given the centralized decision-making process and lack of internal democracy across Indian political parties, the elections are the only opportunity available to the party supporters to send a message to the party leadership about the unacceptability of tainted individuals as party candidates.

The parties have already expressed their choices through their candidates and manifestos. Now, it is our turn to make a choice. Make an informed one. Vote responsibly. Vote for the better candidates. Jai Hind!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Live Life King Size!

हर पल यहाँ जी भर जियो,
जो है समां, कल हो न हो|

A road accident yesterday brought an abrupt end to the lives of four youngsters from IIT Delhi; that too when they were on a journey celebrating friendship and creating memories. Tragic incidents such as these make me want to believe in the theory of ‘rebirth’. The only way I can find solace is to think that these beautiful souls, who have left us in mourning, will bring laughter and happiness into some other lives.

I didn’t know them closely; one of them was just an acquaintance. Nonetheless, the terrible news brought back the realization that how ephemeral life is and how precious our moments in this world are. It is so pointless to waste these precious moments holding negative thoughts in our minds towards the people around us. A wise man once told me, "Wherever you go, the thing that will matter the most will be the people around you."

So, the best way, I believe, to pay our respects to the departed souls would be to celebrate this gift of life. Let us use our time here to spread happiness around us and bring smiles to as many faces as we can. क्योंकि, बाबू मोशाई, जिंदगी बड़ी होनी चाहिए, लंबी नहीं |

Sunday, January 05, 2014

A Letter to Arvind Kejriwal ji

Dear Arvind Kejriwal ji,

After the trust of the public, you have now won the trust vote in Assembly also. Kudos to you for making history by going from the chief agitator to the Chief Minister of Delhi in just about a year.

A week ago, just after the oath-taking ceremony, you proclaimed that the ‘aam aadmi’ of Delhi has become the CM. While I appreciate your idea of Swaraj to put the power back into the hands of the aam aadmi, you need to recognize that you, being the Chief Minister now, are no longer an aam aadmi. With the authority to take decisions that impact the lives of millions of Delhi-ites vested in you, you are an important person. I won’t call you a Very Important Person (VIP), since you despise that label; and rightly so, given the extent to which VIP culture has infected our daily lives, from traffic lights to temple queues.

It is understandable that you seek to maintain the deep connection with the people that resulted in the exceptional electoral verdict for AAP. But I feel that you have gone overboard in propagating your ‘aam aadmi’ image. Starting from the metro ride to Ramlila Maidan to your rejection of the 5-bedroom apartment as your residence, this is appearing merely symbolic now. By all means, stay in a government bungalow, but also ensure that its gates are open to everyone irrespective of their social or economic status. Whenever somebody would agitate outside your house, if you could offer them water in glasses to drink, and not in canons to bathe, you would more strongly reinforce your ‘aam aadmi’ identity. If you can remain sensitive and responsive to concerns of the common people about their lives, they won’t bother about the number of bedrooms in your house. Living in a big house doesn’t stop one from having a big heart.

However, my sincere hope is that anti-corruption drive, and not shunning the VIP culture, becomes the major highlight of your Government. If you could send the culprits responsible for CWG scam to jail, you would do more justice to the aam aadmi’s sentiments than by riding auto rickshaws to work. Remember that time during Janlokpal agitation when Union Ministers challenged you to get elected and pass the bill yourself. Now that you have accomplished the more difficult first part of the challenge, you have the opportunity to demonstrate the practicability and efficacy of the Janlokpal model. Only a more effectively-working Lokayukta can highlight the weaknesses of the Government’s Lokpal model, which everyone except you has welcomed and celebrated.

You, your party, and now your government, have been receiving disproportionate media attention. Vasundhara Raje, with a three-fourths majority in Rajasthan elections, or Shivraj Singh and Raman Singh, returning to power for a third term, might grudge you for stealing their thunder. But too much of anything is counter-productive, as you might be starting to realize. Even the irregularity of your bowel movements is now being made ‘breaking news’, but that should not distract you from the ambitious mission of “vyavastha parivartan”.

The country has witnessed how you have shifted the political discourse away from personalities to issues, and now you may even set the agenda for 2014 General Elections. Aam Aadmi Party has opened the doors of politics to people with no political lineage, money or muscle power. But the process of systemic change should not stop at cleaning politics, but further extend to overhauling the administrative machinery from the lowest levels of bureaucracy to the highest echelons of power.

Putting transparent governance mechanisms in place would have more far-reaching impact on quality of people’s lives than providing free water or cheaper electricity. And while we are at it, it would be desirable for the want of transparency that your government puts in public domain the deliberations that went into the decisions of water and electricity subsidy, along with the larger action plan on improving the accessibility and affordability of water and electricity. That would not only enrich the raging debate on the implications of these ‘populist’ measures, but also indicate a long-term vision and not just short-term political considerations.

Sir, you now carry the burden of aspirations of many who have placed their trust in you. While some might like to see you fail so that they can shout: “I told you so”, a larger section of the public wishes to see you succeed in what you have started. You have become a symbol of hope for the people who have time and again been let down by the political class. Don't you become just another politician now! Don’t you let us down!

Yours truly,
An Aam Aadmi
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